Providing opportunities to excel in this difficult time.
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We are providing our classes via Zoom during the pandemic, so you can continue learning.
Chitraleka Dance Academy has successfully transitioned to distanced learning thanks to the use of video conferencing tools. Our Zoom classes are just as thorough as our regular classes, and we ensure that our students continue to receive the best Bharatanatyam education in the country, regardless of the situation.
We are proud to say our December 2020 ISTD Exam results were astounding.
Our December 2020 ISTD Exams were held remotely at Elmhurst Ballet School, Birmingham, from Primary class, grades and vocational till Advanced 1. Despite the difficulties posed by the pandemic, we are proud of our online lessons and the positive impact created with the continued learning of our students.
Be Performance Ready!
We pride ourselves on providing our students a platform to showcase their skills and excel on stage. Our online classes will be teaching our students skills and techniques to ensure that they are ready for the stage when the time comes.
Our online classes are held

via Zoom Video

on the following days;
Friday, Saturday
and Sunday
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